Latest Tekcetera Press Releases
OC Executive Magazine posted an article titled “A Most Happy Anniversary” about Tekcetera’s 10 year anniversary
December 17, 2012
John Pitts is featured as the OC Executive’s CEO of the Month. He was featured on OC Executive’s home page and throughout its social media networks as well
December 3, 2012
John Pitts is featured in this month’s OC METRO blogger spotlight. His blog “Loyalty Counts: It’s time for tech companies to respect brand allegiance.” is highlighted
November 5, 2012
Tekcetera Invites Orange County Community to Workforce Readiness Workshop: Technology Services Company Gives Back as Part of 10 Months of Thanks Initiative
October 15, 2012
John Pitts is quoted in the article “FAQ: How do I protect my small business from cyber attacks?” by Divya on
September 27, 2012
John Pitts’ blog titled “What is Your Small Business Doing to Protect Non-Publication Personal Information?” has been posted on the OC Advertiser web site
August 2, 2012
Construction Executive has posted John’s blog “What Does Customer Loyalty Mean to Your Business?” on its website
July 25, 2012
OC – John Pitts’ blog “Remember Notepad – the Microsoft App?” is featured on the OC Advertiser blog
June 6, 2012 – OC Tech Company gives back as thanks for a decade of support
February 6, 2012
OC Advertiser – Tekcetera to Celebrate 10-Year Anniversary with 10 Months of Giving Thanks
February 3, 2012